Sunday, February 27, 2011

A visit to Kampar Welfare Society

    在参访的过程中,看到一些小朋友因为过动症或低能儿而在那里学习。回观我们身上,肢体神智健全的,是不是该珍惜现在所拥有的一切,并帮助他们呢?再来,听着 福利会主席的讲解,深深了解这非营利机构运作的困难,尤其是人手短缺以及义工的问题。因此,希望藉由此报道希望有心人士能抽空帮忙,比如成为游泳教学义 工,新年杂物义工等。
    回归主题,这次我们佛学会也将在这个星期天举办环保日。通过循环物的收集,以作为福利会的额外运作补贴。故若无法参 与义工的行列,没关系,请来参与我们的环保日。环保日的参与不仅能帮组福利会,还提高了个人甚至集体的环保意识,以及拯救我们伟大的地球。除此之外,培训 收集生活上的循环物也是种良好的生活习惯。种种的好处,就因单纯的参与就能得到了,何乐而不为呢?


负责人:Madam Chee (017-5792680), Madam Ooi (05-4661568)



1. 小孩
* 星期二及六,早上:物理治疗
* 星期二及六,中午:电脑学习

2. 青少年
* 星期四,早上:缝纫及手工学习
* 星期五,早上:日常生活及户外技能学习

3. 意外受害者及中风病患
* 星期三及六,整天:治疗


    24 February 2011, it rains heavily at Kampar. My group members and I supposed to go Kampar Welfare Society (Persatuan Kebajikan Bagi Orang Istimewa Kampar) on 9am. Due to the “nice” weather early in the morning, we have to postpone our trip to 10am. The purpose of this trip is to understand the operation of this NGO, to find out what they need and to get the information about our recycle day. Though the weather is trying to obstruct us, we are still able to reach our objectives at the end.
    Madam Chee is the person-in-charge of the society. With her help, we can meet with the chairperson of that society, Madam Ooi. Both of them are kind and friendly. Throughout the visiting, they give us lots of information that we need.
During the visiting, we saw some of the children who are slow learners and hyperactive. They are studying at that center as they cannot go to the normal school. I can never forget what I see at there. The staffs and volunteers are teaching them how to sew or how to make a handicraft, steps by steps, while the children show their willingness to learn whatever their teachers teach them.
I questioned myself once I see the situation. The normal people like us; shall we complain whatever we do not satisfy? We always complain that we are not enough clever or any other things. Once we do not satisfy, we will complain on it. How about those children in the center? Do they complain on their imperfections? No, they aren’t. They even put more efforts on their learning process. I feel shame on what I have complained.
    While listening to Madam Ooi’s explanation, we found that this organization is facing problems on operation. Due to the increasing number of patients, they are lack of human resources to run the organization. “We hope that we can get more volunteers come and help us to take care of them in pool therapy session and academic teaching lessons. Besides, we also wish to have more people helps us when we have special functions like celebration of Mooncake Festival and aninnersery,” said Madam Ooi.
    I bet that you have a clearer picture on what is Kampar Welfare Society. Now we turn into our main topic, which is our recycle day on coming Sunday. We are collecting recycle products and send them to Kampar Welfare Society as their extra subsidies. We are here to encourage all UTAR students to lend your helping hands to be volunteers. If you are not able to do so, you can contribute by giving us your recycle materials during our recycle day.
We are welcoming your involvement in recycle day. Your involvement not only can help Kampar Welfare Society, it also can help to save our mother earth. By joining us, u can actually cultivate a good habit which is collecting the recycle materials. Bear in mind that your good habit can save the Earth!
Don’t hesitate, come and join our recycle day! I’m sure you can get benefits after it.

Kampar Welfare Society
Opening Days : Monday to Saturday

Opening Hours : 830am - 430pm (Lunch Hour 12noon-1pm)

Person-in-Charged : Madam Chee (017-5792680), Madam Ooi (05-4661568)

Clients : Majority Children, Adolescents, Accident Victims and Stroke patients

Properties : Non-profit organization that provided Physiotherapy and Daily

Activities Learning Skills for clients
Activities :
1. Children
* Tuesday and Saturday morning: Physiotherapy
* Tuesday and Saturday afternoon: Computer Learning lessons

2. Adolescent
* Thursday morning: Sewing and Art & Craft lessons
* Friday morning: Daily Activities Learning Skills and Gardening

3. Accident Victims and stroke patients
* Wednesday and Saturday (whole day): Therapy

Translate by Low Li Wen

Friday, February 25, 2011



Tuesday, February 22, 2011


这一期的主题是《他的一生》。而主题里的他又是谁呢?那就是大觉着佛佗了。首先,主持人先把佛佗传分为四个部分:出生﹑出家﹑修行和正觉,依序地去讲解佛佗传的故事经过。目的是为了让大家知道佛佗修行的经过, 并以坚定的信念去正觉悟道 。希望大家能学习佛佗的精神和行为。

影片过后,进行了一个小小的游戏—拼故事。大家被分为两组,首先组长会先拿到一个故事的开头,并在与组员讨论一番之后去寻找接下来的故事拼凑成一个完整的故事。故事当中会有些填充和错误让大家去完成。两组的故事里分别是叙述《佛佗传》里的小故事,故事()为悉达多太子出生经过和故事()是净饭王偕同太子小时候出游的经过到净饭王要打消太子出家的过程。除此之外, 大家还讨论接下来的呈现环节如何去表演。

在表演环节中,大家以轻松又搞笑的方式演出了故事的内容。通过这样的方式, 大家会更容易记得之前所讲述的故事, 了解到故事中的意义。

Sunday, February 20, 2011

society T-shirt order session

正面 front

后面 back
  • Wow, Finally we are going to have our Society T-shirt,UTAR Buddhist Society T-shirt!
  • 哇~太棒了!金宝拉曼大学佛学会即将有会衣了!
  • Member and non-member who are interest with our first Buddhist Society T-shirt are invited to send us your detail Name, H.p number and size to latest by 7th of March.

  • 有意想要订购的朋友们,切忌要在3月7日前把你的个人资料如姓名,联络方式及

Friday, February 18, 2011







如想了解关于佛教、佛陀的历史与佛教中心思想,这本<< 释迦牟尼佛传>>便是最好的选择。这书的内容包括了佛陀的诞生,相者的语言,少年时的教育、结婚生子、立志出家、修行苦行、追求究竟的真理、 悟道成就无上正觉得佛陀、在弘扬佛法的道路上遇到的种种困难、教化了成千上万皈依佛陀做弟子,最后的遗教,直到佛陀涅磐。另外,这本书籍也反映了佛陀如何 打破当时古印度阶级森严的社会,建造一个人人平等的世界,透过佛法的真理,解脱身死,离苦得乐。


Sunday, February 13, 2011

