Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Online Study Improvement Guide #看优事


“Online Study Improvement Guide”

Date: 11/5/2021

Presenter: Brother Koh Mui Han

Recorded video link:

The talk given by Brother Koh Mui Han, titled “Online Study Improvement Guide”, was undoubtedly inspiring, especially for students like us. In the beginning, it was mentioned that virtual studying was not something “sudden” nor “new” but just rarely used in the past. However, to adapt to the new norms, students are now introduced to the “newly implemented” learning system, online teaching and learning (OTL). In great respect, we were grateful that Brother Koh was willing to share a total of six valuable tips throughout the talk so that students could master their study skills on these virtual platforms.


Tip 1: Turn on our camera during classes

By turning on our cameras, we tend to be more alert and engaging in class. 

Tip 2:  Have a routine

It could be further detailed into 3 points in this section:

a. Cut down the duration of screentime. 

Prolonged screen time causes us to feel unwell, such as having migraine, headaches, tiring eyes, or fatigue brain. In that case, our learning abilities are no doubt affected during online learning sessions. 

b. Take intervals between back-to-back sessions

Make sure to fully utilize these resting times, but not use our device!

c. Practice physical note-taking 

When writing notes, we organize and interpret things in our way, hence further enhancing our understanding of the topic. 

Tip 3: Practice communication

Giving interaction is of utmost importance during online learning. It enhances our communication skills and prepares us for asking good questions. It is said that asking a good question is a cornerstone in the future cooperate sector. 

Tip 4: Practice mindfulness

Spiritual practice like meditation enhances our ability to concentrate and focus in a specific moment. 

Tip 5: Dressing up

A dressed-up person not only executes a different aura to others but also gives himself confidence. 

Tip 6: Have proper meals

Plan your meals as they provide us energy to work during class.

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